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Start a Kinetic City Club

Official Kinetic City Clubs receive:

• a one-day leader workshop in implementing the program -- for two leaders per club

• materials for performing all science activities

• 30 Kinetic City Case Journals with learning prompts, bios of cool scientists, data sheets and much more

• leader materials to help adults guiding the children

• an official Kinetic City Club web site, on which children can customize their home and crew pages and display the results of their experiments and activities.

• 30 Kinetic City backpack hang-tags with Deep Delete-tracking ID cards. For each Deep Delete virus they fight against, they receive a foil sticker for their tags.

A one-year Kinetic City Club membership, featuring 16 two-week missions with nearly 100 activities costs $1499. This includes an 8-week summer program. Volume and multi-year discounts are available, as are inexpensive four-mission packs lasting 8 weeks.

Send me a membership pack for Kinetic City: Mission To Vearth

For more information, please contact Bob Hirshon by phone at 202-326-6432 or by email at